Our Open sourced projects

Here you can find list of our open sourced projects

SQL Deep is a database project with many useful tools (scripts) for daily maintenance and monitoring tasks.

SQL Deep Audit is a powershell tool used for monitoring database servers.

System-Administration is list of OS (Windows Powershell + Bash) scripts used for system administration

Windows Core and Linux Administration scripts.
0 forks.
5 stars.
0 open issues.

Recent commits:

SQL Deep server info gathering is a TSQL + SSIS tool used for gathering information from multiple servers

1 forks.
2 stars.
0 open issues.

Recent commits:
  • Init, Siavash Golchoobian

Downloadable scripts

Here you can find list of downloadable free scripts, documents, books and tools

Thumb SP_Recover_Deleted_Data.sql text/plain

Download Copy Link 37.88 KB 2020-05-30
37.88 KB2020-05-30
Thumb Simple-File-List.pdf application/pdf

Open Download Copy Link 1.32 MB 2021-01-31
1.32 MB2021-01-31
Thumb Perfmon_Report.sql text/plain

Download Copy Link 981 B 2020-05-29
981 B2020-05-29
Thumb Disk_FreeSpace.sql application/x-wine-extension-ini

Download Copy Link 374 B 2020-05-29
374 B2020-05-29
Thumb Database_Size.sql text/plain

Download Copy Link 527 B 2020-05-29
527 B2020-05-29


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